How to take control of your wealth and weight as a high achieving mom


working more hours, compromising motherhood or feeling burnt out 

5 day challenge

may 12th-May 16th, 2024

Let’s get real for a second, friend


You are a female professional hustling to find those breakthroughs in your morning brainstorming sessions, your kids at home need constant attention in the evenings, and there is no more time to put your health as a priority. 

You are trying to be a present mama at home, but between that and scaling your busy career, you crash on the weekends feeling guilty and overwhelmed with all you still didn't get done during the week? 

You are building your business(hoping to build your bank account), your battery feels drained with #momlife and you wish you had more hours in the day to do it all without working even more.

Sometimes you wish you weren't such an #overachiever



What if the changes you wanted to see in motherhood and business started with your health? What if you could close your laptop at 5 o'clock with a sense of achievement and still had tons of energy to to do #momlife all evening. What if you could feel confidence and a sense of empowerment after a weekend? 

What if true joy and contentment in your life came in the discipline and commitments you make to yourself? And what if instead of harping on how hard it is? What if you celebrated being able to do hard things, and you realized that the relaxation, ease and WEALTH you are chasing in life could be accomplished by making a few shifts.

Are you getting excited yet?


How to take control of your wealth and weight as a

 high achieving mom


working more hours, compromising motherhood or feeling burnt out 

A 5 day challenge

The truth is that Health is Wealth. They are one in the same. This is a 5 day challenge(Sunday-Thursday) that will run May 12th-May 16th lead by Fat Loss Coach & Mindset Mentor, Emily Judice, where you will work through the shifts you need to make to feel true ease and intentionality in your life while making more money. Let's increase your productivity, spend more present time with your family and  10x your revenue while living the life of your dreams. Shifting your mindset is the number one place to start.

Let's take a look at what is inside

5 LIVE Trainings, 

Daily homework & Community

Join Emily in her zoom room for five 30 minute LIVE Trainings during the  5 days. Emily will provide daily homework to put these practices into action for real time progress.

Be surrounded by women just like you navigating work, health, motherhood and limiting beliefs from this exclusive community. 

Who is this for?

The high achieving mom looking to enrich her life with more wealth in every area. 

This is for anyone looking to get laser focused to stop letting health and lack of energy be their downfall to not moving their business, revenue and life forward. 

The committment

5 Day Commitment: Up to 1  hour per day for 5 days. Get laser focused on your goals. Replays of live trainings will be available via the telegram group for 24 hours. They disappear forever after 24 hours.


It’s time to create some wealth.